Friday, December 8, 2017

Making A Mary Christmas

This year has been one of changes. Some good. Some bad. Some easy and some really, really, really hard. All part of God's good plan for me and my family.

It has been a year of real dependence on and trust in God. Each day I have to give up my ideas of what should happen, which is not always an easy thing to do. It is harder to plan activities and events in advance. I never know where my attention and energy is going to be needed and I never know how much of God's strength I am going to need until He has already generously and sufficiently given it to me. As I write this, Christmas preparations are beginning. We barely made it through Thanksgiving. But we did make it through and for that I am ever so grateful. But I don't want to just make it through the Christmas season. I want to enjoy it. I want to really, truly celebrate the birth of my Savior, Jesus. He is my Lord, Friend, Brother, Helper, and Sustainer. He is my most cherished gift from God and I don't want to be so overwhelmed with making the "perfect" Christmas that I miss Him, in His perfectness.

My mind goes to the account in Luke 10:38-42 of Martha and Mary. Jesus is coming for a visit. And He is bringing friends. Well Martha kicks it into high gear, preparing the meal, getting things set up, and making sure that all is just right for her guests. Scripture says that Martha was cumbered about or distracted with all her preparations and Mary is nowhere to be found. Wait, that's not true. She is found. She is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Listening. Learning. Loving. As Martha complains to Jesus about the fact that Mary is not helping, Jesus gives a gentle, but necessary truth. Basically, Jesus tells Martha that she is all worked up, worried, anxious over the non-essential things. Mary has found what is truly important, truly essential. Him! Jesus! His presence in their home! And He is not about to take that away from her.

I've done the whole Martha thing when it comes to Christmas. I get Martha. I understand the work it takes to plan the meal, clean the house, and put every decoration in just the right spot. Then there is purchasing the perfect gift for everyone, wrapping it  in such a way that would make Martha Stewart swoon, and hosting a flawless Christmas party. Then there is church and all the flurry of activity and busy-ness that comes with Christmas ministry. Yeah! I understand distraction, frustration, and exhaustion. Each year at Christmas it just seems par for the course. I can honestly say, "Been there, done that" but this year I am saying, "Not going there, not doing that!" I choose the good thing of a new and fresh perspective on celebrating Jesus. No more Martha Christmas. I am making a Mary Christmas.

Think about it for a second. When you have kids and plan birthdays, do you do the same thing every year. No. You might do a different theme each year: sports, clowns, princess. You might change the location from year to year: home, park, or a skating rink. You remember all the details of the day they were born. You rejoice in how they have grown and look forward to all that lies ahead in the year to come. Each year is a new celebration. Each year brings new hopes and dreams for the future.

Doesn't Jesus deserve that same joy, anticipation, and excitement about His birth? Of course He does! So this year, for the Jorgensen family, the same old decorations, the same old stockings, the same old Christmas cookies, the same old Christmas dinner, the same old traditions just don't seem adequate as we seek, with intention and purpose, a new, fresh, exciting celebration of His presence in our home. I need this. My family needs this. And I am confident that Jesus wants our attention, our energy, our love, and our celebration focused on Him.

So I am shaking things up! Part of that new focus, new perspective means doing new things this year. Different things. Like having a lighted palm tree instead of a traditional Christmas tree. It means less fuss over the non-essential things like the place settings, centerpiece, or 4-course meal on my table for Christmas dinner. I think we will have a picnic-style meal on the floor. It means that if my Christmas preparations bring me frustration, distraction, anxiety, or any other thing that doesn't glorify my Jesus, I'm not doing it. It's not because I want to be lazy, shirk responsibility, or throw tradition completely out the window. It is because I want the precious time I have with my family and friends to matter, by choosing what is good, essential, and important. If anything, the changes in 2017 have taught me just how precious time with my family is and I don't want to waste it by fussing over the "stuff" of Christmas. Rather, I want to be sharing and celebrating the Substance of Christmas. Jesus!

If you are one who can do all the Martha work with a Mary mentality--more power to ya! That is awesome. I'm not in that place anymore. I know there are some who might tell me that I need to make an attitude adjustment and that might be true. But that's not what Jesus told Martha. He didn't tell her to get back to work with a better attitude or to straighten out her backslidden spirit. No. He told her that "there is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her"(NLT). We don't know the rest of the story but I do hope, with all my heart, that Martha chose the good thing and took a seat at Jesus' feet. That is where you will find me this Christmas.

Here's wishing you a very Mary Christmas!! 

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